
Worlds Smallest Political Quiz

I just added a link to The Worlds Smallest Political Quiz. This clever little tool is a terrific gauge of where you actually stand politically. I think many of you may be surprised by your results. -MW

New Freedom Commission on Mental Health

The President’s “New Freedom Commission on Mental Health,” in its report, recommended that all persons be screened for mental illness.

Beyond being Orwellian (“New Freedom” – I guess the "old freedom" guaranteed us by the Constitution isn’t good enough any more?), it’s Socialist, and it’s downright un-American.

In the Executive Summary Under Goal 4: "Both children and adults will be screened for mental illnesses during their routine physical exams."
Do you want a government worker examining, prescribing medication, and (god forbid) counseling your child without your consent?
If the White House gets it’s way that is exactly what will happen.

From WorldNetDaily.com:
Bush to screen population for mental illness
Forced mental screening hits roadblock in House
Attempt to dump mental screening fails

From Ron Paul:
Forcing Kids Into a Mental Health Ghetto
Mental Health Screening for Kids- Part II

Please, take the time to review the following link and see how your representative voted.
If they voted for the amendment, call them and thank them. If they voted against it, call them and ask if they are in favor of governmental mind control of future generations, or did they vote against it because of all the $$$ they are going to pull in from the pharmaceutical companies that are going to see a big spike in profits if this takes affect.


The only people more in favor of this than the Republicans is the Democrats, so why not Vote for Liberty!




The Philosophy of Liberty

This is a simple introduction to the basic beliefs of Libertarians. I highly recommend anyone that's intrigued by the idea of self-ownership view this short ShockWave movie. For more info: Grow The LP The Libertarian Party Live free or die! -MW


Plato Told

By e. e. cummingsplato told

him:he couldn't believe it(jesus

told him; he wouldn't believe it) lao

tsze certainly told him, and general (yes

mam) sherman; and even (believe it or

not) you told him: i told (he didn't believe it, no

sir) it took a nipponized bit of the old sixth

avenue el:in the top of his head: to tell


In cummings commentary on the short-sightedness of selling scrap metal to Japan just prior to WWII, we learn that sometimes we can’t see how we’re killing ourselves until it’s too late…hopefully that won’t be the case on November 2nd.


George W. Bush's War on the Suffering

Between the 8th and 9th innings of tonight’s NLCS game 6 there was a ‘Fox You Decide 2004 Election Minute’ in which President George W. Bush was asked the following:

What steps will you take to provide more access for Americans without health insurance?

I have a common sense plan to lower costs and help millions more Americans get health insurance coverage. More than half the uninsured are small business employees; we must allow these firms to pool together, so they can bye insurance at the discounts available to big companies. We will strengthen health savings accounts, which you can take with you from job to job. I support medical liability reform to end the junk lawsuits that drive up costs. For those in need, we will ensure every poor or rural county gets a community health center. Under my plan, health decisions will be made by doctors and patients, not officials in Washington, DC.

This administration has gone after pain management physicians as zealously as a hunter on the opening day of deer season, and they have yet to show an ounce of compassion for the patients. Pain management physicians have been so terrorized by Attorney General John Ashcroft, and The Justice Department, that patients are suffering because they cannot find a doctor willing to prescribe medication at the strength or quantities they require.

The Drug Enforcement Administration’s attack on medical marijuana consumers and providers is well documented. This November attorney’s will argue Angel McClary Raich’s case before the US Supreme Court. Angel won a preliminary injunction that allows her to possess and use marijuana without federal interference. Angel’s argument is simple, the federal government has no authority over marijuana grown, sold, and consumed when no interstate commerce is involved. If the Supremes side with Raich, it will be a major victory for medical marijuana advocates, as well as a boon for those who want to reform drug laws.

It seems logical that the same argument could be applied in Alaska, where Ballot Measure 2 would legalize the possession, cultivation, distribution, and consumption of:

· Industrial Hemp
Medical Marijuana
· Hemp Foods
· Recreational Marijuana (When used in private, and cultivated for personal use.)

It seems logical now that we’ve seen how aggressive campaigns against tobacco worked. As a matter of fact, the average teenager is now more likely to have smoked marijuana in the last 6 months than cigarettes.

I’ll throw out the question I throw at anyone who tells me that things would only be worse if marijuana was legalized:

How would the black market profit if marijuana was legalized, manufactured and distributed by legitimate corporations and family farmers?




Classmates sue 'Dazed and Confused' director

Once again, greed rears its ugly head This is absolutely hilarious. I guess it took them 11 years to finally decide they were embarrassed? If the people who these guys do business with are so dense as to believe Linklater's former classmates still live their lives like they did when they were teenagers, it's time to find some new business associates. This is indicative of one of the biggest problems in our society today: wanting to cash in on someone else's success. These guys just waited for Linklater to get established, and get a little money in his pocket, then it was time to "get paid". If a plaintiff was held responsible for the defendant's legal expenses in cases they lost, we could reduce this problem so greatly that this type of suit would truly just be a nuisance. Instead, it's bringing our court system to its knees. -MW

Libertarian and Green Party Candidates Arrested at Debate

Should I be shocked that the media coverage of the arrests was practically non-existent? The lack of coverage this story got is laughable! You can get a detailed play by play of the events of friday night at Michael Badnarik's website. Worldnetdaily.com was probably the most recognizable media outlet to pick this story up, and despite the fact that I think WordNetDaily.com comes down on the wrong side of most issues, they do show some common sense occasionally. (For instance, their recent coverage of the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Report, which calls for compulsory mental health screenings for anyone under the age of 18.) I should probably just face the fact that we've really lost any choice in this country when it comes to who's calling the shots in DC.
I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils. People ask me why I'm wasting my vote. I don't see it as a waste, I see it as voting for who I believe in instead of voting for the guy I detest the least. Unfortunately, the reality is here in Texas a vote for anyone other than Bush is a wasted vote. All of our electoral votes are spoken for anyway.
I still hope deep down inside that the people of The United States will come to their senses at some point and realize that the only we we can affect change is if we all vote for change.


The Bipartisan Presidential Press Conference

errr...debate This debate is nothing short of a publicly funded press conference for both the Democratic and Republican candidates. We have been forced over the years to choose the lesser of two evils. Is that really a choice? Unfortunately, those in power now will never allow a third party candidate to succeed until the people stand up and demand a real choice.

That being said, at least President Bush didn’t come off looking like a complete moron in THIS debate. I have to wonder why Senator Kerry didn’t point out that Bush failed to answer the last question in any substantive way. President Bush was asked to enumerate three wrong decisions he made, and what he did to fix them. Senator Kerry could have attacked the fact that Bush is completely unwilling to admit he has ever made a mistake, instead he chose to rebut Bush’s non-answer.

That’s really symptomatic of the problems with the Democratic Party: No Killer Instinct.

An “undecided” voter on CNN commented that he was surprised that they both have yet to address the security of our northern and southern borders. Our borders are like a sieve, and no one seems to care.

John Walters, head of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) recently said about the marijuana situation in Canada, “We have to make security at the border tougher because this (Canadian grown marijuana) is a dangerous threat to our young people.

Excuse me?!?! Why aren’t our borders as tight as they possibly could be right now?

Despite everything we heard tonight, in November we won’t be voting for the guy that will keep us safe, we’ll really just be choosing which path we’ll take on our way to ruin.


Zero Intelligence

This site is a must read for anyone who is intolerant of our school systems' 'Zero Tolerance' policies. The political correctness and total lack of discretion on the part of administrators illustrated by the stories on this site is really unbelievable. The idea that college educated people who are entrusted with the care and education of our children could exercise such poor judgment is stupefying. Ahhh, the beauty of the public education system... -MW
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