
George W. Bush's War on the Suffering

Between the 8th and 9th innings of tonight’s NLCS game 6 there was a ‘Fox You Decide 2004 Election Minute’ in which President George W. Bush was asked the following:

What steps will you take to provide more access for Americans without health insurance?

I have a common sense plan to lower costs and help millions more Americans get health insurance coverage. More than half the uninsured are small business employees; we must allow these firms to pool together, so they can bye insurance at the discounts available to big companies. We will strengthen health savings accounts, which you can take with you from job to job. I support medical liability reform to end the junk lawsuits that drive up costs. For those in need, we will ensure every poor or rural county gets a community health center. Under my plan, health decisions will be made by doctors and patients, not officials in Washington, DC.

This administration has gone after pain management physicians as zealously as a hunter on the opening day of deer season, and they have yet to show an ounce of compassion for the patients. Pain management physicians have been so terrorized by Attorney General John Ashcroft, and The Justice Department, that patients are suffering because they cannot find a doctor willing to prescribe medication at the strength or quantities they require.

The Drug Enforcement Administration’s attack on medical marijuana consumers and providers is well documented. This November attorney’s will argue Angel McClary Raich’s case before the US Supreme Court. Angel won a preliminary injunction that allows her to possess and use marijuana without federal interference. Angel’s argument is simple, the federal government has no authority over marijuana grown, sold, and consumed when no interstate commerce is involved. If the Supremes side with Raich, it will be a major victory for medical marijuana advocates, as well as a boon for those who want to reform drug laws.

It seems logical that the same argument could be applied in Alaska, where Ballot Measure 2 would legalize the possession, cultivation, distribution, and consumption of:

· Industrial Hemp
Medical Marijuana
· Hemp Foods
· Recreational Marijuana (When used in private, and cultivated for personal use.)

It seems logical now that we’ve seen how aggressive campaigns against tobacco worked. As a matter of fact, the average teenager is now more likely to have smoked marijuana in the last 6 months than cigarettes.

I’ll throw out the question I throw at anyone who tells me that things would only be worse if marijuana was legalized:

How would the black market profit if marijuana was legalized, manufactured and distributed by legitimate corporations and family farmers?


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