About Me
- Name: Matt
- Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
I'm just a free thinker who most of the local rednecks mistake for a liberal. Just because you don't think the Republicans are right doesn't automatically make you a liberal, and just because you think the Democrats are a bunch of spineless pussies doesn't make you a Republican. Forty years ago they would've called me a Republican, but now the only difference between the Republicans and Democrats is which part of the government they want to bloat.
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Previous Posts
- Bush's Brave New World
- Worlds Smallest Political Quiz
- New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
- The Philosophy of Liberty
- Plato Told
- George W. Bush's War on the Suffering
- Classmates sue 'Dazed and Confused' director
- Libertarian and Green Party Candidates Arrested at...
- The Bipartisan Presidential Press Conference
- Zero Intelligence
Dude... I recently came across your blog. It rules. I watched the freedom film/cartoon... It ruled as well. I think I've been a Libertarian all along, but I'm scared to vote Libertarian if I think the election is massively important (like Kerry vs. Bush). I really can't stand Democrats.
I've got a recent blog at Club 216 that you may want to check out...
I want a bumper sticker that reads "Free the Democrats" ha ha, jk
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